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. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is an American civil rights organization founded in 1909. It works to ensure the political, educational, social and economic


Hey everyone! Today I want to talk about the NAACP

It's an amazing organization that works to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of rights for all people and eliminate race-based discrimination

🤩 I think it's so important to support organizations like this because they are doing such great work in our communities
Hey everyone! Today I want to talk about the NAACP

It's an amazing organization that works to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of rights for all people and eliminate race-based discrimination

🤩 I think it's so important to support organizations like this because they are doing such great work in our communities

Plus, there are some pretty funny stories out there about their work too! For example, did you know that when a group of students from a historically black college tried to join the NAACP back in 1909, they were denied membership because they weren't "black enough"? 😂 Talk about #Awkward! But seriously though - let's take a moment to appreciate what the NAACP does for us every day

They fight for justice and equality on behalf of all people regardless of race or ethnicity

So shoutout to them for being awesome! 🙌