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. 🤪Alec Baldwin 🤩 Talks Teen Trends, Memes & Emojis


Hey everyone! I'm sure you've all heard of Alec Baldwin, the famous actor who's been in tons of movies and TV shows

Well, I recently had a funny experience with him that I just have to share! So, it was a few weeks ago and I was at this event where he was speaking
Hey everyone! I'm sure you've all heard of Alec Baldwin, the famous actor who's been in tons of movies and TV shows

Well, I recently had a funny experience with him that I just have to share! So, it was a few weeks ago and I was at this event where he was speaking

Of course, I wanted to take a selfie with him so badly but when it came time for me to get up there and ask for one he said no 🙁 He said something like "No selfies today!" But then he saw my sad face and changed his mind – thank goodness! So we took the selfie together (it's totally #InstaWorthy) and then he asked me if I wanted an autograph too

Of course, I said yes! And then he wrote something really funny on it: "To [my name], stay cool 😎" I thought that was hilarious – what an awesome way to sign off! It made my day even better than before

Plus now whenever someone asks me about Alec Baldwin stories, I can tell them this one 😉